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Appendix 2: Kingdoms / Kingdom Events / Resolving Kingdom Events

Random Kingdom Events

Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 554
Random kingdom events are presented on the following pages in alphabetical order by title. During the Event phase of the Kingdom turn, if you determine that a random event takes place, you can roll on the table below to randomly determine the event that occurs or choose among them to build your own schedule of events tailored to your PCs' kingdom. If a randomly determined event isn't a good choice for your campaign at the time (perhaps because it has come up too many times in a short period), choose another event. You can also use these events as guidelines for creating events of your own design to reward or vex your players!

Note that some Kingdom events require specific conditions to occur. If these conditions do not exist, the event doesn't take place and you treat that Event phase as if no event occurs.

Random Kingdom Events

d% rollEvent
1–3Archaeological Find
4–5Assassination Attempt
6–7Bandit Activity
11–14Building Demand
15–17Crop Failure
18–19Cult Activity
20–22Diplomatic Overture
26–27Drug Den
28Economic Surge
29–31Expansion Demand
32–34Festive Invitation
38–39Food Shortage
40–42Food Surplus
43–44Good Weather
47–49Justice Prevails
50–51Land Rush
52–54Local Disaster
55–57Monster Activity
58Natural Disaster
59–61Nature's Blessing
62–64New Subjects
65–67Noblesse Oblige
68–70Outstanding Success
75–78Political Calm
79–81Public Scandal
82Remarkable Treasure
84–85Sensational Crime
91–92Undead Uprising
93–95Unexpected Find
98–99Visiting Celebrity
100Wealthy Immigrant