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Source Howl of the Wild pg. 122 2.1
A frostbound creature grew in a harsh, freezing environment, such as a frigid tundra or a region of magical winters, and can better handle cold weather.
  • Add a resistance to cold and a weakness to fire, value dependent on the creature's level (see table below).
  • Add the following abilities:
    Freezing Adaptation The creature treats environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).
    Winter Senses The creature ignores concealmentcaused by ice or snow.
    Arctic Steps The creature ignores uneven ground and difficult terrain caused by ice and the difficult terrain caused by snow (reducing greater difficult terrain from ice or snow to ordinary difficult terrain).
    Snow Spray [one-action] Requirements The creature is standing on or adjacent to loose snow; Effect The frostbound creature kicks up the snow, becoming concealed to all creatures that are not adjacent to it until it moves or the end of its next turn.

3 or lower 3
4–8 5
9–13 10
14+ 15