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The process of sapient species finding kinship with those who are less self-aware can be observed easily throughout the natural world. Humanoids keep dogs, kobolds care for reptiles, and so on. More terrifying, as it is on a grander scale, linnorms with a strong attachment to the First World sometimes keep mutated hydras as pets and guards. Known to Ulfens as tyrafdirs, these beasts have the unique ability to create illusory doubles from the ruined stumps of their necks. These serpentine guardians serve as strong protectors in the Land of the Linnorm Kings, where their fey-warped physiology deters many a would-be monarch from claiming their master's head. The domestication of tyrafdirs by especially powerful spellcasters to serve as guardians has been known to take place, often combined with magical traps that attack the intruder's mind.

Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 30
Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 30
Unspecific Lore: DC 28
Specific Lore: DC 25

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

TyrafdirCreature 11

Uncommon Huge Beast Fey 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 165 2.1
Perception +21; scent (imprecise) 60 feet
Skills Athletics +23, Deception +21, Survival +22
Str +6, Dex +4, Con +6, Int -3, Wis +3, Cha -1
AC 30 all-around vision; Fort +24, Ref +21, Will +18
HP 190 ((body), hydra regeneration); Immunities mental; Weaknesses cold iron 10;
HP 30 (head), deceptive regrowth; Immunities area damage; Weakness cold iron 10, slashing 10
Deceptive Heads (illusion) A tyrafdir is cunning, if unintelligent, using illusions of regrown heads to confuse and harry opponents. When a tyrafdir fails, but does not critically fail, its Fortitude save to regrow a head, a phantasm materializes to mimic the regrowth. This creates two deceptive heads that function differently than real heads. The tyrafdir gains a deceptive jaws Strike as long as it has at least one deceptive head. Any creature that attacks a deceptive head or uses the Seek action to examine it can attempt to disbelieve the illusion (DC 27 Will save).Deceptive Regrowth A tyrafdir ordinarily has six heads. A creature can attempt to sever one of the tyrafdir's heads by specifically targeting it and dealing damage equal to the head's Hit Points. A head that is not completely severed returns to full Hit Points at the end of any creature's turn. A tyrafdir can regrow a severed head using Hydra Regeneration. A creature can prevent this regrowth by dealing fire damage to the stump, cauterizing it. Single-target fire effects need to be targeted at a specific stump, but effects that deal splash damage or affect areas covering the hydra's whole space cauterize all stumps if they deal fire damage. If the attack that severs a head deals any fire damage or is dealt by a cold-iron weapon, the stump is cauterized instantly. If all six heads are cauterized, the hydra dies.Hydra Regeneration The tyrafdir has regeneration equal to 3 × the number of heads it has. If a hydra's body is missing any heads and the remaining stumps have not been cauterized, the hydra attempts a DC 31 Fortitude save after it regains Hit Points from regeneration. On a success, one uncauterized stump regrows two heads; on a critical success, two uncauterized stumps regrow into two heads each. On afailure the tyrafdir grows two illusory heads (see Deceptive Heads). The hydra can never grow more than double the number of heads it ordinarily has. The hydra's regeneration only fully deactivates if all its heads are severed and all stumps are cauterized, at which point it dies.Reactive Heads A tyrafdir gains an extra reaction per round for each of its heads beyond the first, which it can use only to make Reactive Strikes. It can't use more than 1 reaction on the same triggering action, even if a creature leaves several squares within its reach, and the hydra must use a different head for each Reactive Strike it makes. Whenever one of the hydra's heads is severed, the hydra loses 1 of its extra reactions per round.Reactive Strike [reaction]
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +24 [+19/+14] (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10+9 piercingMelee [one-action] deceptive jaws +24 [+19/+14] (illusion, mental, nonlethal, reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10+9 mentalNoxious Exhalation [two-actions] (curse, primal) The tyrafdir breathes out a noxious mist from all of its mouths, spreading in a 20-foot emanation that deals 4d10 poison damage to creatures within the area (DC 24 basic Reflex save). Any creature that fails its save must attempt a DC 24 Will save or gain weakness to mental 10 and a –1 status penalty to Will saves for 24 hours. The tyrafdir can't use Noxious Exhalation again for 1d4 rounds.

All Monsters in "Hydra"

Mocking Chorus18
Stargut Hydra9


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 164 2.1
The most commonly seen hydra famously has five heads that it uses in unison to attack prey or assailants. Scattered across the Inner Sea region are more fantastical breeds of the beast, each with their own curious evolution and hunting behavior.