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PFS StandardBlooming Lotus Seed PodItem 7

Uncommon Consumable Magical Plant Wood 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 200 2.0
Price 68 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
The seeds of this lotus seed pod scatter with incredible ease and accuracy, quickly growing into temporary plants.

Activate—Floating Pads [one-action] (manipulate); Effect You scatter the blooming lotus seed pod's seeds across a non-damaging liquid surface within 40 feet of you, where they form into 5 lotus pads that each float in place in a separate square within range for 1 minute. Each lotus pad has a 10- foot radius and can support 1 Large creature, 2 Medium creatures, or 4 Small creatures.

Activate—Blooming Flower 10 minutes (manipulate); Effect You plant the blooming lotus seed pod in the ground and a giant lotus flower blooms in that square. Over the next 8 hours, creatures who sleep for at least 6 hours within 30 feet of the lotus flower gain the benefits of long-term rest as though they'd spent an entire day and night resting, and all creatures within the affected area are immune to the effects of the nightmare spell and other magical effects that affect only sleeping creatures.