Mythic Callings | Mythic Feats | Mythic Destinies

Pass Vengeful Judgement [one-action] Feat 18

Rare Mythic Sanctified 
Source War of Immortals pg. 132
Archetype Godling
Frequency once per day
Prerequisites Godling Dedication
Requirements Your hierophant invoked your judgment on their previous turn

To prevent yourself from frivolously calling down the terrible power of divine wrath, you have vowed to do so only with the assent of your mortal hierophant. If your hierophant successfully Strikes a target, they can spend a single action to invoke your wrath. On your turn, you can then Pass Vengeful Judgment on the target, calling down a scouring pillar of divine energy that deals 20d10 spirit damage with a basic Fortitude save. You do not need to have line of effect to the target and it functions at any range. If one of your current domain spells can deal a type of damage other than spirit, you can choose to match this damage type (for instance, calling down a flaming pillar that deals fire damage if you have the fire domain).

If you spend a Mythic Point as part of Passing your Vengeful Judgment, the blast extends into the heavens, scattering the clouds in a detonation visible to all creatures within a 10-mile radius as a show of wrath and a warning to those who would dare harm your followers or question your commandments. For the next month, you and your hierophant gain a +2 status bonus to Intimidation checks against creatures in the area.

Special If you have Font of Life or Death , you can choose for the damage type to be vitality (if you chose heal) or void (if you chose harm) when you use this ability.



This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.


Options with this trait grant or utilize mythic power. Feats with the mythic trait can only be taken by mythic characters, who are typically characters with a mythic Calling.

Monsters with the mythic trait have access to a pool of Mythic Points and are particularly strong for creatures of their level. Many mythic monsters are either resistant or entirely immune to attacks from non-mythic creatures and weapons.

Spells with the mythic trait require the expenditure of a Mythic Point in order to be cast, and items with the mythic trait require the expenditure of a Mythic Point in order to use their activated abilities.

Weapons with the mythic trait overcome the resistances and immunities of mythic monsters.


If you are holy or unholy, your sanctified actions and spells gain the same trait.