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PFS StandardGlorious PlateItem 14

Legacy Content

Rare Evocation Good Light Magical 
Source Character Guide pg. 93 2.0
Price 4,500 gp
Usage worn armor; Bulk 4
Base Armor Full Plate
This elegant full plate is embossed with heraldic imagery and never tarnishes or loses its shine. Glorious plate is +2 resilient full plate. In battle, glorious plate sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius, which enemies see as a blinding halo that obscures creatures other than the wearer. When an enemy looks at the wearer, it must attempt a DC 33 Will saving throw. The enemy is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Success The enemy is unaffected.
Failure For 1 minute, the wearer’s allies within the glorious plate’s 10-foot radius of light are concealed to the enemy. Allies are concealed only while they remain within the light; if allies enter the light later, they are concealed as well.
Critical Failure As failure, except the wearer’s allies are hidden to the enemy instead of concealed.

Activate [two-actions] command, Interact; Frequency once per 10 minutes; Effect The armor casts sanctuary on you.