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Source Bestiary pg. 154
Immediately recognizable by their long, prehensile trunks and impressive tusks, elephants have different characteristics depending on where they are found. Elephants are used as beasts of burden in many regions, but they are extremely clever and must be handled with great care.


Anancus (Creature 8), Elephant (Creature 7), Mammoth (Creature 10), Mastodon (Creature 9)

Sidebar - Treasure and Rewards Elephant Resources

Elephant tusks are a highly sought-after treasure, the ivory from a single tusk potentially fetching hundreds of gold coins. Those who value the elephant’s majestic presence are impassioned defenders of the creatures, making the hunt for ivory dangerous.

Sidebar - Advice and Rules Rogue Elephants

Elephants of all species are, by nature, social creatures who form strong bonds with one another, but when an elephant separates from its herd—either due to tragedy or an individual streak of viciousness—they become known as rogue elephants. These dangerous solitary creatures are ill-tempered and quick to attack anything that approaches them, and often have the elite adjustments to their statistics.