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PFS StandardSeal of the Golden Dragon [reaction] Feat 10

Archetype Magical 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 117
Archetype Familiar Sage
Prerequisites Familiar Sage Dedication; Golden Dragon's Bounty
Trigger You would take acid, cold, electricity, poison, fire, or sonic damage.
Requirements Your familiar has the resistance ability and is adjacent to you.

Your familiar coils around you, protecting you with its magical resistance. You gain the benefits of your familiar’s resistance ability until the start of your next turn. If your familiar has any upgrades to this ability, such as major resistance, you gain them as well. Once per day, if your familiar’s resistance is a different damage type, your familiar’s resistance ability changes to the appropriate type. If you already have resistance of the same type, choose the higher of the two.



This feat belongs to an archetype.


Something with the magical trait is imbued with magical energies not tied to a specific tradition of magic. Some items or effects are closely tied to a particular tradition of magic. In these cases, the item has the arcane, divine, occult, or primal trait instead of the magical trait. Any of these traits indicate that the item is magical.