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PFS StandardVaccineItem 1+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable Elixir Healing 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 61 1.1, Legends pg. 71
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
A vaccine grants a creature immunity to a specific strain of disease of a level equal to or less than the vaccine's level, and a +2 item bonus on all saving throws against other strains of the same disease. For example, a vaccine could grant immunity to filth fever inflicted by otyughs but would only grant a +2 saving throw bonus against filth fever inflicted by a giant rat.

Special A vaccine is the same rarity as the disease it's designed to prevent, or as the creature who inflicts the disease if the disease itself doesn't list a rarity

Craft Requirements Creating a vaccine requires a sample of the disease in question.

PFS StandardVaccine (Minor)Item 1

Source Treasure Vault pg. 61 1.1
Price 4 gp
Bulk L
The duration is 1 hour.

PFS StandardVaccine (Lesser)Item 3

Source Treasure Vault pg. 61 1.1
Price 12 gp
Bulk L
The duration is 24 hours.

PFS StandardVaccine (Moderate)Item 6

Source Treasure Vault pg. 61 1.1
Price 50 gp
Bulk L
The duration is 1 week.

PFS StandardVaccine (Greater)Item 12

Source Treasure Vault pg. 61 1.1
Price 400 gp
Bulk L
The duration is 1 year.

PFS StandardVaccine (Major)Item 18

Source Treasure Vault pg. 61 1.1
Price 5,000 gp
Bulk L
The duration is permanent.