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Mocking Chorus

Among the many unique creatures of the Inner Sea, the hydras known as mocking choruses that stalk the River Kingdoms may be one of the most reviled. While as ferocious in direct combat as others of their kind, chorusus are a singular type of challenge for warriors that hunt them due not to their sharp teeth, but instead a sharp and subtle tongue. Their strangely cunning tactics and power to turn longtime friends into bitter enemies brings doubt to even the closest of allies.

Mocking choruses exhibit behavior that seem to indicate a more elevated intelligence than other hydras. They do not appear to eat in large quantities, leaving little sign they have passed by and spurring rumors that they prey on settlements more for sport than sustenance. Every few years sees a new story of a whole village turning on itself. Neighbor against neighbor, the village tears itself apart; some go missing, and only the sounds of hissing laughter precede the event.

Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 38
Unspecific Lore: DC 36
Specific Lore: DC 33

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Mocking ChorusCreature 18

Large Beast 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 167 2.1
Perception +30; scent (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages all (see uncanny mimicry)
Skills Athletics +35, Deception +36, Performance +35
Str +9, Dex +4, Con +6, Int -2, Wis +2, Cha +4
Uncanny Mimicry While unable to communicate for prolonged periods, a mocking chorus can precisely imitate a humanoid voice. If a creature speaks within audible range of the mocking chorus, the mocking chorus can speak using the creature's voice, even if it says different words than what were spoken. Creatures that hear the mocking chorus speak this way can attempt a DC 40 Will save to recognize the source. On a success, creatures gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all saving throws against the mocking chorus' abilities for 1 minute.
AC 41 all-around vision; Fort +33, Ref +30, Will +30
HP 340 ((body), hydra regeneration); Immunities auditory, sonic
HP 35 (head), head regrowth; Immunities area damage; Weakness slashing 10
Head Regrowth A mocking chorus ordinarily has 10 heads. A creature can attempt to sever one of the hydra's heads by specifically targeting it and dealing damage equal to the head's Hit Points. A head that is not completely severed returns to full Hit Points at the end of any creature's turn. A hydra can regrow a severed head using hydra regeneration. A creature can prevent this regrowth by dealing acid or fire damage to the stump, cauterizing it. Single-target acid or fire effects need to be targeted at a specific stump, but effects that deal splash damage or affect areas covering the hydra's whole space cauterize all stumps if they deal acid or fire damage. If the attack that severs a head deals any acid or fire damage, the stump is cauterized instantly. If all five heads are cauterized, the hydra dies.Hydra Regeneration The mocking chorus has regeneration equal to 3 × the number of heads it has. If a hydra's body is missing any heads and the remaining stumps have not been cauterized, the hydra attempts a DC 43 Fortitude save after it regains Hit Points from regeneration. On a success, one uncauterized stump regrows two heads; on a critical success, two uncauterized stumps regrow into two heads each. The hydra can never grow more than double the number of heads it ordinarily has. The hydra's regeneration only fully deactivates if all its heads are severed and all stumps are cauterized, at which point it dies.Reactive Heads A mocking chorus gains an extra reaction per round for each of its heads beyond the first, which it can use only to make Reactive Strikes. It can't use more than 1 reaction on the same triggering action, even if a creature leaves several squares within its reach, and the hydra must use a different head for each Reactive Strike it makes. Whenever one of the hydra's heads is severed, the hydra loses 1 of its extra reactions per round.Reactive Strike [reaction]
Speed 35 feet, swim 35 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +37 [+32/+27] (reach 15 feet), Damage 4d12+14 piercingRanged [one-action] harsh laugh +35 [+30/+25] (auditory, range increment 90 feet), Damage 4d10+14 sonicPetty Whispers [two-actions] (auditory, mental) The mocking chorus adopts the voices of its enemies, spreading lies and jeers among would-be allies and tearing apart trusted friends. Creatures in a 60-foot emanation of the mocking chorus must attempt a DC 37 Will save. The mocking chorus can't use petty whispers again for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 1 day.
Success As failure, but the creature takes half damage and is not confused.
Failure The creature takes 12d10 mental damage and is confused for 1 minute. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns to end the confusion.
Critical Failure The creature takes 15d10 damage and is confused for 1 minute, with no save to end early

All Monsters in "Hydra"

Mocking Chorus18
Stargut Hydra9


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 164 2.1
The most commonly seen hydra famously has five heads that it uses in unison to attack prey or assailants. Scattered across the Inner Sea region are more fantastical breeds of the beast, each with their own curious evolution and hunting behavior.