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Chapter 8: Playing the Game / Checks


Source Player Core pg. 404 2.0
Perception measures your ability to be aware of your environment. Every creature has Perception, which works with and is limited by a creature's senses. (Details on senses and detecting things are on page 434). Whenever you need to attempt a check based on your awareness, you'll attempt a Perception check. Your Perception uses your Wisdom modifier, so you'll use the following formula when attempting a Perception check.

Perception check result = d20 roll + Wisdom modifier + proficiency bonus + other bonuses + penalties

Nearly all creatures are at least trained in Perception, so you will almost always add a proficiency bonus to your Perception modifier. You might add a circumstance bonus for advantageous situations or environments and typically get status bonuses from spells or other magical effects. Items can also grant you a bonus to Perception, typically in a certain situation. For instance, a fine spyglass grants a +1 item bonus to Perception when attempting to see something a long distance away. Circumstance penalties to Perception occur when an environment or situation (such as fog) hampers your senses, while status penalties typically come from conditions, spells, and magic effects that foil the senses. You'll rarely encounter item penalties or untyped penalties for Perception.

Many abilities are compared to your Perception DC to determine whether they succeed. As with any DC based on a modifier, your Perception DC is 10 + your total Perception modifier.
Item Bonsues for Common items
PerceptionMagnifying Glass+13Adventuring GearNoPerception checks to notice minute details of documents, fabric, and the like
PerceptionMagnifying Scope+13ScopesNoVisual Perception checks to Seek creatures through the scope
PerceptionSpyglass (Fine)+14Adventuring GearNoPerception checks to notice details at a distance
PerceptionEye Slash (Greater)+14TattoosNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionGoggles of Night+15Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks involving sight
PerceptionDarkvision Scope+15ScopesNoPerception checks involving sight in areas of dim light visible through the scope (as well as in areas of darkness, if the scope has been activated).
PerceptionMirror Goggles (Lesser)+15Other Worn ItemsNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionObsidian Goggles+15Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks involving sight
PerceptionEye of the Unseen+18ProsthesesNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionClarity Goggles (Lesser)+18Other Worn ItemsNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionCodex of Unimpeded Sight (Greater)+112GrimoiresNoPerception checks to Seek
PerceptionEagle-Eye Elixir (Lesser)+11Alchemical ElixirsYesPerception checks that is greater when attempting to find secret doors and traps.
PerceptionSerene Mutagen (Lesser)+11Alchemical ElixirsYes
PerceptionDrakeheart Mutagen (Lesser)+11Alchemical ElixirsYes
DiplomacyDiplomat's Charcuterie+13Alchemical FoodYesDiplomacy checks to Make an Impression
PerceptionEyes of the Eagle+29Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks that involve sight
PerceptionMagnifying Scope (Greater)+29ScopesNoVisual Perception checks to Seek creatures through the scope
PerceptionEye Slash (Major)+29TattoosNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionJann's Prism+29Held ItemsNovisual Perception checks
PerceptionSun Sight+210TattoosNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionGoggles of Night (Greater)+211Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks involving sight
PerceptionMirror Goggles (Moderate)+211Other Worn ItemsNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionObsidian Goggles (Greater)+211Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks involving sight
PerceptionSpectacles of Inquiry+212Other Worn ItemsNo
PerceptionScope of Truth+213ScopesNoPerception checks made to Seek in areas you can see through the scope
PerceptionClarity Goggles (Moderate)+213Other Worn ItemsNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionEye of the Unseen (Greater)+214ProsthesesNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionDarkvision Scope (Greater)+215ScopesNoPerception checks involving sight in areas of dim light visible through the scope (as well as in areas of darkness, if the scope has been activated).
PerceptionAmulet of the Third Eye+217Other Worn ItemsNo
PerceptionSerene Mutagen (Moderate)+23Alchemical ElixirsYes
PerceptionDrakeheart Mutagen (Moderate)+23Alchemical ElixirsYes
PerceptionZerk+24DrugsYesPerception rolls for initiative
PerceptionEagle-Eye Elixir (Moderate)+25Alchemical ElixirsYesPerception checks that is greater when attempting to find secret doors and traps.
PerceptionMagnifying Scope (Major)+317ScopesNoVisual Perception checks to Seek creatures through the scope
PerceptionEye Slash (True)+317TattoosNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionGoggles of Night (Major)+318Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks involving sight
PerceptionMirror Goggles (Greater)+318Other Worn ItemsNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionObsidian Goggles (Major)+318Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks involving sight
PerceptionThird Eye+319Other Worn ItemsNo
PerceptionClarity Goggles (Greater)+319Other Worn ItemsNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionEagle-Eye Elixir (Greater)+310Alchemical ElixirsYesPerception checks that is greater when attempting to find secret doors and traps.
PerceptionSerene Mutagen (Greater)+311Alchemical ElixirsYes
PerceptionDrakeheart Mutagen (Greater)+311Alchemical ElixirsYes
PerceptionEagle-Eye Elixir (Major)+316Alchemical ElixirsYesPerception checks that is greater when attempting to find secret doors and traps.
PerceptionSerene Mutagen (Major)+417Alchemical ElixirsYes
PerceptionDrakeheart Mutagen (Major)+417Alchemical ElixirsYes
Item Bonsues for Uncommon/Rare/Unique items
PerceptionHigh-Contrast Goggles+10Adventuring GearNo
PerceptionVestige Lenses+13Alchemical OtherNoPerception checks to Seek any alchemical vapors
PerceptionSkinsaw Mask+13Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks to Seek frightened creatures
PerceptionStalk Goggles (Greater)+13Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks involving sight
PerceptionSkinsaw Mask+13Other Worn ItemsNoSeek frightened creatures
PerceptionSleuth's Pipe+13Relic SeedsNoPerception checks to Sense Motive
PerceptionCovenant Tea+13TeaNoTo Perception DC
PerceptionSeer's Flute+14CodaNowhile playing the flute
PerceptionRing of the Tiger +15Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks made in outdoor wilderness areas
PerceptionStag's Helm+16Other Worn ItemsNo
PerceptionGhost Scarf+17Held ItemsNoAll Perception checks and Perception DCs to resolve discovering a haunt or rolling initiative when a haunt triggers.
PerceptionSpiritsight Tea+17TeaNoPerception checks to Seek incorporeal creatures.
PerceptionUmbral Wings+18Other Worn ItemsNoChecks to Seek
PerceptionSeer's Flute (Greater)+18CodaNowhile playing the flute
PerceptionDiviner's Nose Chain+19Other Worn ItemsNoSeek or Sense Motive
PerceptionDrazmorg's Staff of All-Sight+110StavesNoVisual Perception checks
PerceptionSkeptic's Elixir (Lesser)+11Alchemical ElixirsYesPerception checks and Perception DCs to notice falsehoods, whether they're spoken lies or written deceit
PerceptionGrim Ring+25Other Worn ItemsNoSecret Perception checks against undead in the area that are hiding or disguised
PerceptionSpiritsight Ring+26Other Worn ItemsNoSeek to find hidden or undetected incorporeal creatures within 30 feet of you
PerceptionStalk Goggles (Major)+28Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks involving sight
PerceptionStarless Scope+29Held ItemsNoPerception checks made to observe the skies
PerceptionAeon Stone (Cymophane Cabochon)+29Other Worn ItemsNo
PerceptionRing of the Tiger (Greater)+210Other Worn ItemsNoPerception checks made in outdoor wilderness areas
PerceptionSpectral Opera Glasses+211Held ItemsNo
PerceptionBring Me Near+212Held ItemsNoVisual Perception checks
PerformanceSeer's Flute (Major)+212CodaNowhile playing the flute
PerceptionExploration Lens (Searching)+214Held ItemsNoPerception checks to spot hidden doors and concealed hazards while Searching
PerceptionThe Big Sky+220The Deck of DestinyNoPerception checks made while flying outside during the day (+3 at 17th level)
PerceptionThe Trumpet+220The Deck of DestinyNoinitiative checks made with hearing-based Perception checks
PerceptionThe Owl+220The Deck of DestinyNoPerception checks made to Sense Motive (+3 at 17th level).
PerceptionThe Inquisitor+220The Deck of DestinyNoPerception checks to Sense Motive against creatures higher level than you (+3 at 17th level).
PerceptionThe Unicorn+220The Deck of DestinyNoPerception checks to Seek (+3 at 17th level).
PerceptionThe Winged Serpent+220The Deck of DestinyNosight-based Perception checks for initiative (+3 at 17th level).
PerceptionSkeptic's Elixir (Moderate)+26Alchemical ElixirsYesPerception checks and Perception DCs to notice falsehoods, whether they're spoken lies or written deceit
PerceptionOmmatophoric Mutagen+27Alchemical ElixirsYesvisual Perception checks
PerceptionPallesthetic Mutagen+29Alchemical ElixirsYesPerception checks using the granted senses
PerceptionEnergizing Pill+210Alchemical FoodYesItem bonus to initiative rolls with Perception.
PerceptionDragonfly Potion+212PotionsYesVisual Perception checks
PerceptionRobe of Eyes+317Other Worn ItemsNo
PerceptionVoid Mirror+320ArtifactsNoPerception checks made while using the mirror
PerceptionSkeptic's Elixir (Greater)+311Alchemical ElixirsYesPerception checks and Perception DCs to notice falsehoods, whether they're spoken lies or written deceit

Perception for Initiative

Source Player Core pg. 405 2.0
Often, you’ll roll a Perception check to determine your order in initiative. When you do this, instead of comparing the result against a DC, the GM will put the results for everyone in the encounter in order. The creature with the highest result acts first, the creature with the second-highest result goes second, and so on. Sometimes you may be called on to roll a skill check for initiative instead, but you’ll compare results just as if you had rolled Perception. The full rules for initiative are found in the rules for encounter mode on page 435.