Prying Survey
Spell 8This Spell may contain spoilers from the Extinction Curse Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Uncommon Divination Scrying Source Pathfinder #156: The Apocalypse Prophet pg. 76Traditions arcane,
occultCast 1 minute (
Area 120-foot emanation
Duration 1 hour
You create eight invisible, floating eyes, each about 3 inches in diameter, that scan the area around you, transmitting rough impressions of the environment. The eyes constantly examine and send you summaries of their findings. They are solid and can't move through barriers, and they don't follow routes that they fail to find while
Searching. Any damage to an eye destroys it. When all eyes are destroyed, the spell ends.
As a single action, which has the
concentrate trait, you can concentrate on a location within the area that an eye can reach. An eye travels to that location, and you
Seek visually as if you were there. As an exploration activity, you can travel at half speed while continuing to concentrate on the eyes to gain the benefits of both the
Scout and Search activities. With the eyes, you can check everything even if you are traveling faster than 300 feet per minute. The eyes use your Perception modifier. You can have only one
prying survey in effect at a time.
Heightened (10th) The area increases to a 500-foot emanation.