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Mythic Ambusher

Source War of Immortals pg. 168
Add the listed mythic abilities up to the creature's level.

Mythic ambushers are monsters that lie in wait, often using their mythic power to conceal themselves or otherwise prepare their lairs for unfortunate intruders.

Ambush Excellence A mythic ambusher is exceptional at hiding itself. It uses the extreme skill value for a creature of its level as its Stealth modifier.
Mythic Weakness (Frailty) A mythic ambusher relies on stealth and subterfuge. It can't gain mythic immunity to Strikes or mythic resistance.
Hazard Immunity A mythic ambusher never triggers the reactions of hazards in its own lair and is immune to the negative consequences of damaging area effects created by hazards in its lair.
Mythic Resilience A mythic ambusher of any level gains mythic resilience for Reflex saving throws. It gains mythic resilience for its other saves at 7th and 13th level as normal.

Lair Preparation

Mythic ambushers should be creatures who excel at using their environment to their advantage. When building a mythic ambusher from the ground up instead of applying the template to an existing creature, they will often be creatures built using the skill paragon, skirmisher, or sniper base road maps. When constructing encounters that include a mythic ambusher, avoid using single monsters whose level is more than 2 higher than the party's. If the encounter is meant to be at severe or extreme difficulty, flesh out the remainder of the encounter with hazards well-suited to the monster's tactics. For example, when making a severe encounter with the mythic gogiteth on page 170, you might have the single monster (worth 80 of 120 XP in the encounter budget) and then spend the rest of the encounter budget on hazards like bottomless pits and other obstacles that the gogiteth's climb Speed will allow it to easily avoid while still posing a significant threat to overeager PCs.