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Portal Eater

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Recall Knowledge - Astral (Occultism): DC 43
Unspecific Lore: DC 41
Specific Lore: DC 38

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Portal EaterCreature 17

Legacy Content

Rare CE Gargantuan Astral 
Source Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight! pg. 56
Cosmic devourer of extradimensional energies
Perception +28; greater darkvision
Languages Aklo; telepathy 100 feet
Skills Athletics +34, Intimidation +33
Str +10, Dex +5, Con +8, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +9
AC 35; Fort +32, Ref +27, Will +30; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 400; Resistances all damage 10 (except force and physical); Weaknesses force 20
Enormous A portal eater is a massive creature and takes up a space of 10 squares by 10 squares (50 feet by 50 feet).Eat Portal [reaction] (abjuration, occult) Requirements The portal eater's beak is not grabbing a creature; Trigger A creature teleports or is summoned within 50 feet of the portal eater; Effect The portal eater attempts to eat the portal. It makes a counteract check against the effect (counteract modifier +33, counteract level 9th). If the effect is counteracted, the creature arrives in the portal eater's beak and the portal eater Grabs it.Reflect Spell [reaction] (abjuration, occult) Trigger A creature Casts a Spell that targets the portal eater; Effect The portal eater attempts to counteract the spell (counteract modifier +32, counteract level 9th). If the spell is counteracted, it targets the caster instead.
Speed 35 feet, fly 35 feet
Melee [one-action] beak +32 [+27/+22] (reach 25 feet), Damage 3d12-2+20 piercing and Improved GrabMelee [one-action] claw +32 [+28/+24] (agile, reach 30 feet), Damage 3d8-2+20 slashing plus Improved Push 20 feetMelee [one-action] cloak +32 [+27/+22] (reach 40 feet), Damage 3d8-2+20 bludgeoning plus Pull 20 feetSwallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Gargantuan, 17d6+8 force, Rupture 33Unfurl Realities [two-actions] (evocation, light, occult) The portal eater unfurls its crystalline cloak of stolen realities, releasing a wave of cosmic energy and casting prismatic spray (DC 37) in a 60-foot emanation. The portal eater can't Unfurl Realities again for 1d4 rounds.