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Appendix 2: Kingdoms / Kingdom Creation

Step 10: Fame or Infamy?

Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 511
Finally, the PCs should decide if they want their kingdom to aspire to fame or infamy. A famous kingdom seeks to bolster its citizens, forge alliances with neighbors, or oppose the rise of cruelty, while an infamous kingdom uses its citizens as resources, undermines and sabotages its neighbors, or actively seeks warfare. It's an oversimplification to call a famous kingdom a “good” kingdom or an infamous kingdom an “evil” one, and disruptive elements like crime or corruption will harm an infamous kingdom as surely as a famous one. As such, kingdoms do not have alignments to track. The choice here solely determines whether the kingdom uses Fame or Infamy points and the influence certain structures might have on the kingdom. Fill in the box for the type of points you won't be tracking.