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Chapter 2: Camping / Special Campsite Meals

Favorite Meals

Source Kingmaker Companion Guide pg. 113
Each character may designate a favorite meal. Whenever they consume that meal and gain either its success or critical success benefit, they also gain its favorite meal benefit. Unless the meal's description says otherwise, the favorite meal benefit lasts as long as the meal's usual benefit.

PCs may declare a favorite meal after experiencing that meal's success effect twice or its critical success once; they can then gain its favorite meal benefit starting the next time they consume that meal. A character can only ever have one favorite meal. They may change their favorite meal to a new meal, but they must first experience the new meal's critical success effect twice.

Each NPC companion has a favorite meal, listed on the following table. NPC companions never change their favorite meal.

Favorite Meals

CompanionFavorite Meal
AmiriMonster casserole
EkundayoHunter's roast
JaethalJeweled rice
JubilostOnion soup
KalikkeChocolate ice cream
KanerahSeasoned wings and thighs
LinziSweet pancakes
Nok-NokBaked spider legs
OctaviaRice-n-nut pudding
RegongarSucculent sausages
TristianKameberry pie
ValerieWhiterose oysters