Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 8: Playing the Game / Rules Overview


Source Player Core pg. 398 2.0
Your Speed (page 420) governs how far you can move. Stride (page 418) is an action that has the move trait and allows you to move a number of feet up to your Speed. You may need to Stride multiple times in a turn! Move actions can often trigger reactions or free actions. However, unlike other actions, a move action can trigger reactions not only when you first use the action, but also for every 5 feet you move during that action (page 422). The Step action (page 418) lets you move without triggering reactions, but only 5 feet. Other basic actions with the move trait include Crawl, Drop Prone, and Stand (page 418).

This game measures movement on a grid (page 421). Difficult terrain and other types of terrain (page 423) may impede your movement.

Creatures can get tactical advantages by careful positioning. The most common are using cover from terrain and other creatures to increase your AC (page 424), and flanking (page 425), which requires you and an ally to be on the opposite sides of an enemy to reduce the enemy's AC.

Related: Escape a grab or restraint (416), falling (421), forced movement (422), moving through creatures (422), special movement modes (burrow, climb, fly, and swim; 420), travel speed outside of encounters (438)