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Multiclass Archetypes

These archetypes are Multiclass Archetypes that allow access to another Class's features.

PFS StandardAlchemistDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core 2 pg. 175 1.1
Prerequisites Intelligence +2
You enjoy tinkering with alchemical formulas and substances in your spare time, and your studies have progressed beyond mere experimentation. You might throw bombs, drink mutagens, or carry an assortment of helpful elixirs and alchemical tools.

PFS StandardAvengerDedication Feat 2

Source War of Immortals pg. 58
Prerequisites Avenger
Most people are aware of champions and clerics as the most obvious of a deity’s divinely empowered servants, and those familiar with vindicators as the more subtle arm of the church’s might have generally grown to accept their necessity. There exists, however, other corners of religious power that churches may be less open about with their lay worshippers. Avengers are one such example.

Sometimes known as slayers among more brutal doctrines, avengers are trained in remote monasteries or secret cloisters hidden from the eyes of casual passersby. They are indoctrinated in their church’s teachings while being taught a variety of martial skills, many focused around mastery of their deity’s favored weapon. These training environments often also enforce vows of silence, vows of celibacy, or other practices intended to keep the avengers-in-training from forming strong personal attachments.

Additional Feats: 4th Twin Takedown; 6th Twin Parry; 12th Twin Riposte; 14th Second Sting; 16th Improved Twin Riposte

PFS StandardBarbarianDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core 2 pg. 176 1.1
Prerequisites Constitution +2; Strength +2
There's a rage deep inside you that sometimes breaks loose, granting you some of the might of a barbarian in addition to your other abilities.

PFS StandardBardDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core pg. 216 2.0
Prerequisites Charisma +2
A muse has called you to dabble in occult lore, allowing you to cast a few spells. The deeper you delve, the more powerful your performances become.

PFS StandardBloodragerDedication Feat 2

Source War of Immortals pg. 60
Prerequisites Bloodrager
There is a visceral power in blood. It sustains life through its flow. Bloodragers exist throughout societies in different forms. Matanji orcs are demon hunters that turn the power of fiendish blood against its vessels. The Skoan-Quah protect the tombs of their dead, preserved with containers of their fallen companions’ blood. This blood is used by their closest living comrades in combat to utilize lost power and knowledge or drank during festivities to celebrate once more with their companions in battle. In Ustalav, cloaked ministers perform rituals with the blood of extraplanar entities to feed and strengthen their congregation against all manner of maladies and horrors. In Casmaron, divine entities coordinate with mortals to provide their blood as catalysts in wars against hidden threats.

Whatever the path, bloodragers have awakened magical powers to become dangerous forces of physical and magical might wherever there is blood to be found.

Additional Feats: 4th Split Shot; 8th Bespell Strikes; 12th Energy Ward.

PFS StandardChampionDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core 2 pg. 177 1.1
Prerequisites Charisma +2; Strength +2
You've sworn a solemn oath to your deity, who has granted you champion powers to aid you in your cause.

PFS StandardClericDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core pg. 217 2.0
Prerequisites Wisdom +2
You are an ordained priest of your deity and have even learned how to cast a few divine spells. Though your main training lies elsewhere, your religious calling provides you divine gifts.

PFS StandardDruidDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core pg. 218 2.0
Prerequisites Wisdom +2
You have entered a druidic circle and learned a few of the order’s secrets, granting you primal power.

PFS StandardFighterDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core pg. 219 2.0
Prerequisites Strength +2; Dexterity +2
You have spent time learning the art of warfare, increasing your skill with martial arms and at wearing armor. With further training, you can become a true combat specialist.

PFS StandardGunslingerDedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 127 2.0
Prerequisites Dexterity 14
You like a weapon that makes an impression almost as much as you like making an impression.

PFS StandardInventorDedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 49 2.0
Prerequisites Intelligence 14
You revel in the creation of clever inventions, deploying your brilliance to defeat your foes. Explosives, gadgets, and innovative technologies? You have ideas for all of them, and you're eager to test your theories.

PFS StandardInvestigatorDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core 2 pg. 178 1.1
Prerequisites Intelligence +2
You’ve developed a keen eye for investigating mysteries.

PFS StandardKineticistDedication Feat 2

Source Rage of Elements pg. 57 2.0
Prerequisites Constitution +2
You have, intentionally or accidentally, awoken a gateway to elemental power inside yourself and can now channel that power to devastating effect, adding an elemental arsenal to your abilities.

PFS StandardMagusDedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 75 2.0
Prerequisites Strength 14, or Dexterity 14; Intelligence 14
You've mixed physical combat with spellcasting.

PFS StandardMonkDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core 2 pg. 179 1.1
Prerequisites Dexterity +2; Strength +2
Monastic training has taught you martial arts and allowed you to hone your mind, body, and spirit.

PFS StandardOracleDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core 2 pg. 180 1.1
Prerequisites Charisma +2
A mysterious force granted you divine magic and a curse.

PFS StandardPsychicDedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Source Dark Archive pg. 48
Prerequisites Intelligence 14, or Charisma 14
You've awoken the latent abilities of your mind, taking your first steps into wielding psychic magic.

PFS StandardRangerDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core pg. 220 2.0
Prerequisites Dexterity +2
You have studied hunting, tracking, and wilderness survival, adding a ranger’s tools to your skill set. Your keen eyes while hunting prey help gather more information.

PFS StandardRogueDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core pg. 221 2.0
Prerequisites Dexterity +2
You’ve learned to sneak, steal, and disable traps. With time and luck, you’ll become capable of moving through the shadows, striking unseen, and escaping without notice.

PFS StandardSeneschalDedication Feat 2

Source War of Immortals pg. 62
Prerequisites Seneschal Witch
Whether dead or simply missing, your patron has gone silent, and you can no longer hear its whisper. While other witches might find this silence disquieting and lose hope without direction, you embrace this new challenge. Without a governor, you can now realize the true potential of your magic by tapping into the connection you once shared with your absent patron. You are no longer bound by the your patron’s desires; you are free to forge your own path.

Additional Feats: 10th Martyr; 16th Premonition of Clarity; 18th Inviolable

PFS StandardSorcererDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core 2 pg. 181 1.1
Prerequisites Charisma +2
You coax the magic power in your blood to manifest, accessing magic others don't expect you to have.

PFS StandardSummonerDedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 76 2.0
Prerequisites Charisma 14
You have a tenuous connection to an eidolon, a bodiless being that shares your life force, and with effort you can manifest the eidolon into the world.

PFS StandardSwashbucklerDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core 2 pg. 182 1.1
Prerequisites Charisma +2; Dexterity +2
You fight with flair and style, adding swashbuckling tricks to your combat repertoire.

PFS StandardThaumaturgeDedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Source Dark Archive pg. 49
Prerequisites Charisma 14
Scraps of knowledge have taught you how to exploit the vulnerabilities of creatures and the powers of mystical objects.

PFS StandardVindicatorDedication Feat 2

Source War of Immortals pg. 64
Prerequisites Vindicator
Many undead and supernatural predators have the ability to blend unseen among the general population, preying on mortals completely unaware of their presence. Vindicators are skilled warriors who use keen analytical talents and a smattering of divine magic to seek out such monstrous prey and pronounce judgment upon them. Evil religions, whose vindicators are more likely to be referred to as “inquisitors,” occasionally train their agents to seek out heretics within their own ranks, a fact that contributes heavily to the attitudes of fear and mistrust many vindicators find themselves faced with in the course of their duties.

Additional Feats: 1st Domain Initiate; 4th Instructive Strike, Ongoing Investigation ; 6th Thorough Research; 8th Advanced Domain

PFS StandardWarrior Of LegendDedication Feat 2

Source War of Immortals pg. 66
Prerequisites Warrior of legend
It is said that the greatest heroes are often stalked by an implacable doom, the shadow cast by the light of their deeds. Such warriors of legend often garner great reputations for their prowess and ferocity in battle, spawning legends of their invincibility. These stories almost always end in tragedy, however, for the blessings that carry the warriors to victory are always accompanied by a terrible curse that all but ensures their heroic tales have grim endings.

Since the Godsrain scattered divine power across Golarion, more and more tales of such legendary warriors have sprung up all over the world, from Garund to Tian Xia, Casmaron to Arcadia, and across Avistan all the way to the Crown of the World. Hallmarks of these stories include heroes and villains who prefer lighter armor, hafted weapons, and who all seem to have an aversion or vulnerability to certain types of opponents.

The would-be ruler Gulrik the Fierce slew a linnorm in the depths of the Grungir Forest but was slain by the arrows of lowly bandits before he could claim a kingdom for himself. The warrior Mohaadjii had just begun to forge a legend by driving pillagers from Bloodcove out of the Kaava Lands, when a slingstone from a halfling raider struck her dead before she even realized she was under attack.

This cursed weakness perhaps goes a long way to explaining why certain pieces of gear are so common to the figures at the center of these stories. With each warrior of legend living under the shadow of finding their doom at the hands of a particular threat, even such staunch stalwarts might prefer a weapon that gives them enough reach to assess their opponent before closing in for the kill, and armor light enough that it won’t become a burden if flight becomes the better part of valor.

Additional Feats: 6th Clear the Way; 14th Unbalancing Sweep

PFS StandardWitchDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core pg. 222 2.0
Prerequisites Intelligence +2
You have heard the whispers of a distant patron, who sent an emissary to teach you powerful magic.

PFS StandardWizardDedication Feat 2

Source Player Core pg. 223 2.0
Prerequisites Intelligence +2
You have dabbled in the arcane arts and, through discipline and academic study, learned how to cast a few spells.