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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardUndeath's Blessing [one-action] Focus 1

Uncommon Focus Manipulate Sorcerer Void 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 265 1.1
Bloodline undead
Range touch; Targets 1 living creature
Defense Will; Duration 1 minute
You instill within a creature the touch of the grave. For the duration, harm and heal spells treat the creature as undead. In addition, harm spells gain a +2 status bonus to the Hit Points restored to the target. An unwilling target can attempt a Will save to reduce the effects.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target heals half as much from heal and takes half as much damage from harm for 1 round.
Failure Effects as described above.

    Heightened (+1) The status bonus to the Hit Points restored increases by 2.