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PFS StandardRhinoceros MaskItem 4+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Invested Magical Transmutation 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 155 1.1, Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic pg. 74
Usage worn mask; Bulk
Covered with thick armor and bearing a thicker horn, a rhinoceros mask grants you increased momentum. If you Stride at least 10 feet, your next melee Strike before the end of your turn ignores the Hardness of objects with a Hardness of 5 or less. If the object has more than Hardness 5, the mask grants no benefit.

PFS StandardRhinoceros MaskItem 4

Source Treasure Vault pg. 155 1.1
Price 90 gp

PFS StandardRhinoceros Mask (Greater)Item 8

Source Treasure Vault pg. 155 1.1
Price 425 gp
Your melee Strikes ignore the Hardness of objects with a Hardness of 10 or less.