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PFS StandardGet Used to Disappointment [free-action] Feat 12

Bravado Swashbuckler 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 168 1.1
Prerequisites expert in Intimidation
Requirements Your turn begins, and one target within 30 feet failed an attack roll or skill check against you on its last turn.

You capitalize on an opponent's failure with smug attitude and swagger, reminding them of the gap in skill between you and your opponent. You attempt to Demoralize the opponent. Regardless of the result, the target becomes temporarily immune for 1 minute.



Actions with this trait can grant panache, depending on the result of the check involved. If you succeed at the check on a bravado action, you gain panache, and if you fail (but not critically fail) the check, you gain panache but only until the end of your next turn. These effects can be applied even if the action had no other effect due to a failure or a creature's immunity.