Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Nephilim Details | Nephilim Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats

PFS StandardSummon Nephilim Kin Feat 13

Source Player Core pg. 81 2.0
Prerequisites any nephilim lineage feat

You have a connection to the Outer Planes, allowing you to summon a divine ally. Choose either summon celestial, summon fiend, or another 5th-rank spell capable of summoning an extraplanar creature appropriate to your lineage. Once per day, you can cast the chosen spell as a 5th-rank divine innate spell, but the creature summoned must be from the same category as your own lineage, such as a creature with the angel trait if you are an angelkin.



A creature with this trait has the nephilim versatile heritage. Nephilim are planar scions descended from immortal beings from other planes. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by nephilim.