Banner of the Restful
Item 9Legacy Content
Uncommon Abjuration Magical Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 88Price 700 gp
Usage held in 1 hand;
Bulk 1
Access Knights of Lastwall have access to this item.
Carried by knights who expect to spend the night in the open, this simple-looking banner is accompanied by a long cross pole from which it hangs. Usually, the banner appears to be a piece of plain cloth; when activated, it automatically adopts whatever insignia the person activating it desires.
Activate 10 minutes (command, envision, Interact);
Frequency once per day;
Effect You plant the banner firmly in the ground, and a comfortable environment is created around it in a 20-foot radius. Those within the area are shielded against your choice of hot or cold temperatures, gaining the effects of 1st-level
endure elements. The area created by the banner lasts for 8 hours or until it is removed from the ground.
As part of the activation, you can choose to ward the same area with an
alarm spell. In addition to a mental alert for the person who Activates the banner, the alert sent by the alarm spell also includes an audible alarm with the sound and volume of a hand bell, which has the
auditory trait. You choose the password as you decide to ward the area.