Boots of Free Running
Item 5+Legacy Content
Uncommon Invested Magical Transmutation Source Firebrands pg. 84 2.0Usage worn shoes;
Bulk 1
Access Second-mark members of the Firebrands have access to this item.
These comfortable and practical boots slip on easily and fill you with boundless energy. The treads of these boots provide exceptional traction, with improved grip on surfaces you would traditionally have difficulty traversing. While wearing the boots, you gain a +1 item bonus to
Acrobatics checks to
Balance and to
Athletics checks to
High Jump and
Long Jump.
Activate [one-action] envision;
Frequency once per day;
Effect The traction of your boots improves, allowing you to run along vertical surfaces for 1 minute. When you Stride, you can run up solid vertical surfaces, like walls, at your full Speed. You must start your movement on a horizontal surface. If you end a Stride off the ground, you must Stride along the surface again until you reach a horizontal surface or you begin to fall (though you can
Grab an Edge, if applicable). If you have means of walking on water, such as with
water walk or similar abilities, you can also run along flimsy vertical surfaces, as well as vertical liquids such as a waterfall.
Boots of Free Running (Lesser)Item 5
Source Firebrands pg. 84 2.0Price 135 gp
Bulk 1
Boots of Free Running (Moderate)Item 11
Source Firebrands pg. 84 2.0Price 1,350 gp
Bulk 1
The bonus is +2. You can activate the
moderate boots of free running once per hour instead of once per day.
Boots of Free Running (Greater)Item 17
Source Firebrands pg. 84 2.0Price 13,500 gp
Bulk 1
The bonus is +3. You can activate the
greater boots of free running without a frequency limit.