Item 9+Legacy Content
Abjuration Invested Occult Source Bestiary pg. 203Usage worn;
Bulk —
This gemstone grants its wearer a +2 item bonus to saving throws.
heartstone is powered by the spirit of a specific night hag. If it’s separated from her for 24 hours (or she’s been dead for 24 hours), it becomes a nonmagical gemstone. A
heartstone allows the hag to use additional occult innate spells:
ethereal jaunt (9th level) and
bind soul at will, and
shadow blast twice per day.
Activate [one-action] command;
Requirements You must be touching the
Effect The
heartstone attempts to counteract one disease affecting you (counteract level 5, counteract modifier +18).
Craft Requirements You must be a night hag.
HeartstoneItem 9
Source Bestiary pg. 203Price 600 gp ((200 gp when nonmagical))
Skarja's HeartstoneItem 13
This Item may contain spoilers from the Extinction Curse Adventure Path
Uncommon Source Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows pg. 89Price 2,500 gp ((1,000 gp when nonmagical))
This pale gemstone grants its wearer a +2 item bonus to saving throws and the ability to discern a target's alignment (as
detect alignment, but can detect chaotic, evil, good, and lawful auras simultaneously) at will by peering through the gemstone.
Like all hag
heartstones, this gemstone is powered by
Skarja's spirit. Skarja does not need to wear her
heartstone to benefit from its powers, but she cannot use them if she hasn't touched her
heartstone in the past 7 days. If Skarja's
heartstone is separated from her for more than 7 days (or if she's been dead for 7 days), it becomes a non-magical gemstone. Skarja's
heartstone allows her to use additional occult innate spells:
ethereal jaunt (9th level) and
bind soul at will,
shadow blast (6th level) twice per day, and
spirit blast once per day.
Activate [one-action] command;
Requirements You must be touching the
Effect The
heartstone attempts to
counteract one
disease affecting you (counteract level 7, counteract modifier +23).