Harsh Judgment [one-action] Feat 4Legacy Content
Archetype Vigilante Source Night of the Gray Death pg. 64Archetype Gray GardenerPrerequisites Vigilante Dedication; member of the Gray Gardeners
Choose one creature you can see, and loudly declare the creature's life forfeit by your judgment. That creature becomes your condemned foe until they are defeated, you use Harsh Judgment on a different creature, or the encounter ends. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to
Seek your condemned foe and on Intimidation checks to
Demoralize them. You have a –1 circumstance penalty to Perception checks to
Seek creatures other than your condemned foe and on Intimidation checks to
Demoralize anyone other than your condemned foe. You typically can use Harsh Judgment only during an encounter, and if you try to use it to declare someone's life forfeit during exploration or downtime, you are likely to start an encounter.
Harsh Judgment Leads To...
Accurate Swing,
Frightful CondemnationTraits
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.
Vigilante: Your class feats and vigilante feats are associated with your vigilante identity, and using them while in your social identity may risk exposing you as a vigilante. If your identity is exposed to the public, you lose the benefits of Vigilante Dedication to disguising yourself, but you can spend 1 week of downtime to create a new social identity.