Call Worm Spirit [two-actions] Feat 10Legacy Content
Archetype Conjuration Primal Source Pathfinder #194: Cult of the Cave Worm pg. 81Archetype Worm CallerFrequency once per day
Prerequisites Worm Caller Dedication
You call forth a ghostly manifestation of the worm spirit. Choose an intersection on the ground within 60 feet; the ghostly maw of a worm emerges from the ground, attacking all creatures in a 10 foot burst. Each creature in the area must attempt a Reflex save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target takes 1d10+13 bludgeoning damage as it is battered by the worm's body.
Failure The target takes 3d10+15 piercing damage as it is bitten by the worm. The target is
immobilized until the end of its next turn.
Critical Failure As failure, but the damage increases to 6d10+30 and the target is knocked
Call Worm Spirit Leads To...
Call the WormTraits
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.
Conjuration: Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the conjuration school of magic, typically involving summoning, creation, teleportation, or moving things from place to place.
Primal: This magic comes from the primal tradition, connecting to the natural world and instinct. Anything with this trait is magical.
A creature with this trait is primarily constituted of or has a strong connection to primal magic.