Moonlight Ray
[two-actions] Spell 3This Spell may contain spoilers from the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Uncommon Attack Cold Evocation Good Light Source Pathfinder #172: Secrets of the Temple City pg. 77Traditions divine,
primalCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalRange 120 feet;
Targets 1 creature
You unleash a holy beam of freezing moonlight. Make a ranged spell attack. The ray deals 5d6 cold damage; if the target is a
fiend or
undead, you deal an extra 5d6 good damage. Moonlight ray's cold damage is
silver damage for the purposes of weaknesses, resistances, and the like.
Critical Success The target takes double cold damage, as well as double good damage if a fiend or undead.
Success The target takes full damage.
If the light passes through an area of magical
darkness or targets a creature affected by magical darkness, moonlight ray attempts to
counteract the darkness. If you need to determine whether the light passes through an area of darkness, draw a line between yourself and the spell's target.
Heightened (+1) The cold damage increases by 2d6, and the good damage against fiends and undead increases by 2d6.