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PFS StandardLiving Leaf WeaveItem 5

Legacy Content

Alchemical Healing Plant 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 64 1.1
Price 160 gp
Usage worn armor; Bulk 1
Activate [one-action] Interact
This suit of leaf weave armor is specially modified to metabolize the alchemical accelerants in medicinal compounds. A special receptacle in the armor can hold an elixir of life, which takes 3 Interact actions to install. A loaded suit of living leaf weave can be activated to grow slithering vines from the armor, granting an item bonus to Athletics checks to Grapple, to your Fortitude DC to resist Grapple, Disarm, or Shove attempts, and to your Reflex DCs to resist Trip attempts. The effects last for 3 rounds, consuming the elixir of life, and once the reaction has begun it can't be deactivated.