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PFS StandardDrought PowderItem 11

Consumable Earth Magical 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 98 2.0
Price 250 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
A gray powder that smells like wet rock, drought powder has various uses against water. If you sprinkle it over your body, you and items you carry or wear remain dry for the next 24 hours. Thrown into a body of water, the dust lowers the water in an area 50 feet long by 50 feet wide by 10 feet. You can fling it in the air, coating all creatures in a 10-foot burst centered on a point within 5 feet of you. Creatures who have the water trait in that area are affected as if by a slow spell (DC 28). If you attempt to use the dust in other, similar ways, the GM decides whether the dust can accomplish your aims.