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Poisoner's StaffItem 4+

This Item may contain spoilers from the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Conjuration Magical Necromancy Staff 
Source Pathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven pg. 66
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
This gnarled staff is covered with thorns and coated with a glistening lacquer that acts as a minor irritant. While holding the staff, you aren't affected by its coating or thorns, and you reduce the DC of your flat checks to overcome persistent poison damage.

Activate Cast a Spell; Effect You expend a number of charges from the staff to cast a spell from its list.

Craft Requirements Supply one casting of all listed levels of all listed spells.

PFS LimitedPoisoner's StaffItem 4

Source Pathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven pg. 66
Price 90 gp
You reduce the DC of your flat checks to overcome persistent poison damage from 15 to 13.

PFS LimitedPoisoner's Staff (Greater)Item 8

Source Pathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven pg. 66
Price 450 gp
You reduce the DC of your flat checks to overcome persistent poison damage from 15 to 10.

PFS LimitedPoisoner's Staff (Major)Item 14

Source Pathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven pg. 66
Price 4,000 gp
You reduce the DC of your flat checks to overcome persistent poison damage from 15 to 5.