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Volcanic VigorItem 10+

This Item may contain spoilers from the Sky King's Tomb Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Evocation Fire Invested Magical Tattoo 
Source Pathfinder #195: Heavy is the Crown pg. 80
Usage tattoo; Bulk
This tattoo takes the shape of a muscular orc, with molten flesh and hollow eye sockets that seep smoke. You don't take damage from extreme heat or severe heat.

Activate [two-actions] command; Frequency once per day; Effect You stomp on the ground, causing a 5-foot radius, 30- foot tall cylinder of lava to erupt from the ground within a range of 30 feet. The cylinder deals 7d6 fire damage. All creatures in the area must attempt a DC 27 basic Reflex save.

PFS LimitedVolcanic VigorItem 10

Source Pathfinder #195: Heavy is the Crown pg. 80
Price 900 gp

PFS LimitedVolcanic Vigor (Greater)Item 15

Source Pathfinder #195: Heavy is the Crown pg. 80
Price 6,000 gp
The damage of your lava eruption increases to 12d6, the range increases to 60 feet, and you can choose to increase the radius of the cylinder to 10 feet. Similarly, the height of the cylinder increases to 60 feet, and the DC increases to 34. While exposed to incredible heat, you take only minor heat damage every hour, instead of moderate heat damage every minute. You can see through ash and smoke.