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Ghost StoneItem 7

This Item may contain spoilers from the Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Unique Divination Magical 
Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 183
Bulk 18
The Ghost Stone is a stationary magic item, a 10-foot-long spindle-shaped crystal floating and slowly rotating within a hemispherical chamber in the Pit (area E10). If moved from this chamber, the Ghost Stone is destroyed. It can also be destroyed via damage (AC 28, Hardness 16, HP 60). If it's destroyed, the trapped Varisian spirits within are finally released; as a vortex of vaguely humanoid shapes swirls around the room, all PCs in area E10 are filled with sensations of elation and freedom. The departing ghosts grant each PC the first activation result below, but after that, the Ghost Stone crashes to the ground and shatters into mundane crystal, forever destroyed.

Activate [two-actions] (command, envision, Interact); Effect The Ghost Stone grants a terrifying vision of doom. For the PCs, this vision is of seven apocalyptic dooms that descend upon Sandpoint.

Activate [two-actions] 10 minutes (command, envision, Interact); Frequency once per day; Effect The Ghost Stone casts read omens to your specifications.