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PFS StandardKineticist Dedication Feat 2

Archetype Dedication Multiclass 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 57 2.0
Archetype Kineticist
Prerequisites Constitution +2

You become trained in kineticist class DC and impulse attack rolls. Choose one element to be your kinetic element (air, earth, fire, metal, water, or wood). You gain a kinetic aura and the Channel Elements action, though you don't get to use an Elemental Blast or stance impulse when you take that action. You gain the Elemental Blast action. Your Elemental Blast does not automatically gain additional damage dice every four levels, instead requiring you to take the Improved Elemental Blast feat. You become trained in Nature; if you were already trained in Nature, you instead become trained in another skill of your choice.

Kineticist Dedication Leads To...

Base Kinesis, Expert Kinetic Control, Improved Elemental Blast, Through the Gate



This feat belongs to an archetype.


You must select a feat with this trait to apply an archetype to your character.


Archetypes with the multiclass trait represent diversifying your training into another class’s specialties. You can’t select a multiclass archetype’s dedication feat if you are a member of the class of the same name.