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PFS StandardBottled SunlightItem 2+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Bomb Consumable Fire Light Positive Splash 
Source Book of the Dead pg. 18
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
This mirrored bottle contains various chemicals dissolved in two immiscible solvents. Shaking the bottle induces chemical reactions that cause it to glow. For 1 hour, the bottle sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light to the next 40 feet).

During this hour, it can be thrown like a bomb. This requires a single action to Activate with a Strike, like other bombs, and deals the damage below. If it's not thrown within an hour of the first activation, it defuses harmlessly and is consumed.

PFS StandardBottled Sunlight (Lesser)Item 2

Source Book of the Dead pg. 18
Price 7 gp
Bulk L
The bomb deals 1d4 positive damage and 1 positive splash damage, as well as 1d4 additional fire damage. As normal, positive damage harms only undead and other creatures with negative healing. Undead with a particular vulnerability to sunlight (such as vampires or wraiths) take the maximum amount of positive damage from bottled sunlight (4 instead of 1d4). For any ability that depends on the number of weapon dice bottled sunlight has, count only the positive damage dice.

PFS StandardBottled Sunlight (Moderate)Item 4

Source Book of the Dead pg. 18
Price 20 gp
Bulk L
The bomb deals 2d4 positive damage, 2 positive splash damage, and 2d4 additional fire damage.

PFS StandardBottled Sunlight (Greater)Item 12

Source Book of the Dead pg. 18
Price 360 gp
Bulk L
The bomb deals 3d4 positive damage, 3 positive splash damage, and 3d4 additional fire damage.

PFS StandardBottled Sunlight (Major)Item 18

Source Book of the Dead pg. 18
Price 4,500 gp
Bulk L
The bomb deals 4d4 positive damage, 4 positive splash damage, and 4d4 additional fire damage.