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PFS StandardChronocognizance Feat 7

Legacy Content

Archetype Skill 
Source Dark Archive pg. 184
Archetype Time Mage
Prerequisites Time Mage Dedication; master in Perception

The flows and ebbs of time are obvious to you, as are the tangles that form when it's distorted. You're automatically aware if any creature that you observe is under the effects of the slowed or quickened conditions. You have a general idea when you're in the vicinity of time-manipulating phenomena, though this grants you no particular insight into the specific effects of the anomaly. Particularly subtle temporal anomalies might still escape your notice, requiring a Perception check, as determined by the GM. If you're legendary in Arcana, Nature, or Occultism, or Religion, whenever a creature that you can observe gains the benefits of time stop or similar effects, you can observe what happens during the stopped time, though you still can't act yourself for the duration.



This feat belongs to an archetype.


A general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype’s dedication feat.