General Hazards | Adventure-Specific Hazards | Weather Hazards

Lightning's DanceHazard 11

Rare Complex Kaiju Mythic Primal 
Source War of Immortals pg. 191
Complexity Complex
Stealth +20 (expert) or DC 33 (master) to notice sparks dancing around normally non-conductive surfaces
Description Electricity suffuses an area where Agyra has used her lightning breath multiple times.
Disable DC 35 Crafting (master) to fashion a makeshift lightning rod, DC 33 Nature (expert) to dissipate the electrical charge harmlessly into the air
Static Shock [reaction] (electricity) Trigger A creature approaches within 10 feet of the hazard's center; Effect Electricity wells up from the ground and nearby material. Each creature in the hazard's area must attempt a DC 33 Fortitude save, and the hazard then rolls initiative. A character wearing metal armor or wielding a metal shield or weapon of at least 1 Bulk treats the result of their saving throw as one step worse.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is clumsy 1 for 1 round.
Failure The creature is clumsy 2 for 2 rounds.
Critical Failure The creature is clumsy 2 for 4 rounds and stunned 1 for 1 round.
Routine (2 actions) Bolts of lightning flash out. The hazard makes two lightning bolt Strikes at two different creatures within 120 feet of the hazard's center. If only one creature is in range, the hazard makes only one Strike.

Ranged [one-action] lightning bolt +24 (range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d12+15 electricity
Reset The hazard deactivates and immediately resets if has no targets for 1 round; it also resets if Agyra uses her lightning breath multiple times in a single combat in the area.