RunelordLegacy Content
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 240 2.0You've learned arcane magic following the path of the runelords. You unlock secrets of a chosen school of magic while forsaking lesser schools. You learn the secrets of runic magic, the building blocks of magic. But be warned: you might succumb to sin in your pursuit of power.
You also learn to use polearms, the signature weapons of the runelords, and can acquire the secrets of the mighty, ancient magic items called
aeon stones, embedding them into your skin.
Runelord Specialization (1st)
You draw untold power from runes, sometimes called sin magic. You associate with one of the seven vices, also known as the seven rewards of rule: envy (
abjuration), gluttony (
necromancy), greed (
transmutation), lust (
enchantment), pride (
illusion), sloth (
conjuration), and wrath (
evocation). Studying these techniques often tempts you with the associated sin. While leaning into it could corrupt you, it might make you more powerful. If you choose this class archetype, you must select Runelord Dedication as your 2nd-level class feat.
Prerequisites: You must be a wizard specializing in one of the
seven schools other than
Runelord Adjustments: In addition to the normal school spell for your chosen school of magic, you learn the initial rune spell associated with your school, with its school adjusted to your chosen school of magic if it wasn't from that school already. Your pool of Focus Points increases to 2 Focus Points. At 8th level, you also learn the advanced rune spell associated with your school, also adjusting its school to match your chosen school of magic if it wasn't already, and your pool of Focus Points increases to 3 Focus Points.
You can
Refocus by indulging in your school's sin in lieu of studying your spellbook. As you become more powerful, your indulgence grows. At 12th level, if you indulge in your sin to Refocus, if you have spent at least 2 Focus Points since the last time you Refocused, you recover 2 Focus Points when you Refocus instead of 1. At 18th level, if you indulge in your sin to Refocus, if you have spent at least 3 Focus Points since the last time you Refocused, you recover 3 Focus Points when you Refocus instead of 1.
You are trained in martial
polearms. At 11th level, if you gain weapon expertise, you become an expert in martial polearms.
Finally, you lose the ability to prepare or cast any spell from your school's prohibited schools. You remove all spells of those schools from your spell list, meaning you can't even activate
scrolls or
wands of such spells.
The Seven Schools
The following seven schools are considered proper specializations of Thassilonian rune magic. In this paradigm, the Thassilonians considered divination magic to be something every wizard should learn but that none need take the effort to master.
Abjuration (Envy)
Runelords of
abjuration specialize in protective magic and in suppressing all other magic to glorify their own.
Prohibited Schools evocation,
Rune Spells initial:
blind ambition advanced:
competitive edge Conjuration (Sloth)
Runelords of
conjuration use their magic to create what they need as they need it, and call forth servants to do their bidding.
Prohibited Schools evocation,
Rune Spells initial:
efficient apport, advanced:
swamp of sloth Enchantment (Lust)
Runelords of
enchantment specialize in magic that compels and controls the minds of others, often to fulfill their own needs and desires.
Prohibited Schools necromancy,
Rune Spells initial:
charming touch, advanced:
captivating adoration Evocation (Wrath)
Runelords of
evocation channel raw destructive energies and direct them toward all who would oppose their will.
Prohibited Schools abjuration,
Rune Spells initial:
weapon surge, advanced:
zeal for battle Illusion (Pride)
Runelords of
illusion use magic to create the perfect appearance and fool others through trickery, deception, and misdirection.
Prohibited Schools conjuration,
Rune Spells initial:
veil of confidence, advanced:
delusional pride Necromancy (Gluttony)
Runelords of
necromancy tap into their constant hunger for more power and enhancing their longevity, potentially even unto undeath.
Prohibited Schools abjuration,
Rune Spells initial:
overstuff, advanced:
take its course Transmutation (Greed)
Runelords of
transmutation not only transform objects to create value, but also transform and enhance their own power.
Prohibited Schools enchantment,
Rune Spells initial:
appearance of wealth, advanced:
precious metalsClick here for more rules on using this archetype.Additional Feats
Source Player Core pg. 215 2.0Some archetypes include a list of “Additional Feats” that appear in other sources. The list includes each feat’s level, which might be different than normal when gained from the archetype. You can take the feat as an archetype feat of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of feats required by the archetype’s dedication feat. When selected this way, a feat that normally has a class’s trait (such as the fighter trait) doesn’t have that class trait.
Click here for the full rules on Additional Feats.
Legacy Content
Rare Archetype Class Dedication Source Secrets of Magic pg. 240 2.0Archetype RunelordPrerequisites runelord specialization
Your rune magic increases, and you practice with your school's associated weapon. You gain an additional cantrip of your chosen arcane school, and each time you gain a level (including this level), you add an additional spell from your chosen arcane school to your
spellbook, with the same restrictions as the two spells you normally add.
Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the runelord archetype.
Legacy Content
Archetype Downtime Skill Source Secrets of Magic pg. 240 2.0Archetype RunelordPrerequisites Runelord Dedication; trained in
You discover the secrets to embedding
aeon stones into your flesh. You spend 1 day attuning to an
aeon stone and physically embedding it in your skin. While the stone is embedded this way, you gain the benefits of the
aeon stone as if it were orbiting above your head, but it protects the stone from being noticed or stolen as easily.
Aeon stones in your flesh must be invested to function, as usual.
You can also use this activity to safely remove an embedded
aeon stone in 1 day. Someone without this feat can attempt to surgically remove it safely by spending 1 day and succeeding at a DC 30
Medicine check, or hastily by simply ripping it from a corpse.
Legacy Content
General Skill Source Treasure Vault pg. 118 1.1,
Secrets of Magic pg. 164 2.0Archetype RunelordPrerequisites trained in
You can craft tattoos, including
magical tattoos. When you select this feat, you gain the formulas for four common magical tattoos of 2nd level or lower. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to
Crafting checks to
Craft tattoos. If you're a master in Crafting, this bonus increases to +2 and you gain the formulas for four common magical tattoos of 7th level or lower.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Secrets of Magic pg. 240 2.0Archetype RunelordPrerequisites Embed Aeon Stone
You gain the resonant power of one embedded
aeon stone as if it were placed in a
wayfinder. While you can embed multiple
aeon stones in your flesh, you can gain the resonance power from only one embedded stone at a time, selected each day when you make your daily preparations.
Special At 8th level, you can take this feat again. If you do, you gain the resonance powers of up to four invested
aeon stones instead of only one.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Secrets of Magic pg. 240 2.0Archetype RunelordPrerequisites Runelord Dedication
Your connection to rune magic has revealed tricks to make polearms deadlier in your hands. You gain the
critical specialization effects of
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Secrets of Magic pg. 240 2.0Archetype RunelordPrerequisites Runelord Dedication
During daily preparations, you can indulge in your associated sin. When you do, you gain one additional spell slot of any spell level up to two levels below the highest-level wizard spell you can cast. You can prepare only a spell of your specialized school in this slot. As with any other act, indulging in your sin might change your alignment if your behavior harms someone else.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Secrets of Magic pg. 241 2.0Archetype RunelordPrerequisites Runelord DedicationRequirements Your arcane bonded item is a
During your daily preparations, you can magically fuse your arcane bonded weapon and a
magical staff together into one item, with the staff making up the haft of the weapon. You prepare the staff at the same time you do this, and you can do this only with a staff you're able to prepare. This fusion lasts until the next time you make your daily preparations. The staff and the weapon share their fundamental runes, using whichever weapon potency and whichever striking rune is higher level. They don’t share any other runes or specific abilities; use the polearm's.
While the two are fused, the weapon’s haft takes on aesthetic aspects of the staff, and it can't change forms, such as with the shifting rune.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Secrets of Magic pg. 241 2.0Archetype RunelordPrerequisites Counterspell;
Runelord Dedication
Your intricate knowledge of your school lets you easily negate spells from that school. Instead of being able to counter a foe's spell with Counterspell only if you have the same spell prepared, if the foe casts a spell from the school matching your specialization, you can Counterspell it with any other spell of the same school.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Secrets of Magic pg. 241 2.0Archetype RunelordPrerequisites Counterspell;
Runelord Dedication
When you Counterspell a spell with a school matching your specialization, if you critically succeed at your
counteract check, or if you succeed while using a spell of a higher level than the spell you countered, you can redirect the spell you countered. You choose the target, area, and other aspects of the spell and use your own spell DC, spell attack roll, or other statistics as appropriate to determine the effects.