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Quick RefugeeBackground

Legacy Content

Source Wake the Dead #2 pg. 28
The living residents of Geb are known as the quick, and is not, overall, a very pleasant thing to be. While some of the quick choose to make their best of their lot, or even thrive in Geb's undead-dominated society, you decided that whatever terrors the outside world holds, they pale in comparison to those that make up the Gebbite upper class.And considering that escape means braving the Mana Wastes, you must have been very, very certain indeed.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in the Stealth skill, and the Undead Lore skill. When you Hide or Sneak successfully, you are also hidden or concealed from undeads' lifesense and other special precise senses the undead possess.