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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardTangling CreepersSpell 6

Concentrate Manipulate Plant Wood 
Source Player Core pg. 362 2.0
Traditions arcane, primal
Deities Green Man, Osiris, Treerazer, Yuelral
Cast [three-actions]
Range 500 feet; Area 40-foot burst
Duration 10 minutes
Dense, twitching creepers sprout from every surface and fill any bodies of water in the area. Any creature moving on the land, or Climbing or Swimming within the creepers, takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds while in the area. Once per round, you can Sustain the spell to make a vine lash out from any square within the expanse of creepers. This vine has a 15- foot reach. Make a melee spell attack roll against the target; on a success, the vine pulls the target into the creepers and makes it immobilized for 1 round or until the creature Escapes (against your spell DC), whichever comes first.