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Formian Sting TrenchHazard 4

Legacy Content

Mechanical Trap 
Source Pathfinder #187: The Seventh Arch pg. 72
Complexity Simple
Stealth DC 25 (trained)
Description A thin layer of canvas conceals this 10-foot-square pit, the walls of which are studded with dagger-sized formian stingers. Creatures that fall into the trap risk being gouged by the poisonous barbs.
Disable DC 22 Thievery (trained)
AC 18, Fort +8, Ref +8
Canvas HP 30 (BT 15); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Entrench [reaction] (attack) Trigger A creature walks onto the canvas; Effect The creature falls into the concealed trench and takes falling damage (typically 10 bludgeoning damage). The creature is also gouged by three poisoned stingers as they fall. The creature can use the Grab an Edge reaction to avoid falling.
Melee [one-action] stinger +17, Damage 1d8+3 plus formian trench poison
Formian Trench Poison (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 21; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison damage and clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 3 1d6 poison damage, clumsy 1, and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 4 2d6 poison damage, clumsy 1, and enfeebled 1 (1 round)
Reset Creatures can still fall into the trap, but the canvas must be reset manually for the trap to become hidden again.