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PFS StandardFamiliar TattooItem 3

Legacy Content

Invested Magical Tattoo Transmutation 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 164 2.0
Price 60 gp
Usage tattooed on the body; Bulk
This tattoo typically consists of an image of a small animal or of a familiar's name written in runes. Your familiar can meld into your familiar tattoo to be carried in your skin. The familiar must spend a single action, which has the magical, move, and transmutation traits, to meld into or exit your tattoo. It must be adjacent to you to meld into your tattoo, and it exits your tattoo in an open space adjacent to you. Any of the familiar's companion items remain on it, but it can't carry any other items with it. This tattoo is non-magical if you don't have a familiar or if your familiar doesn't remain present for the entire tattooing process. If your familiar dies, this tattoo loses its magic and becomes a mundane tattoo.