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PFS StandardCipher of the Elemental PlanesItem 16

Rare Magical 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 224 2.0
Price 9,000 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
This device is made from two metal discs, one slightly smaller than the other, each bearing a variety of runes and symbols along their outer edges. The center ring typically shows a rune for each elemental plane, and many older ciphers include only the planes of air, earth, fire, and water. A thick, golden pin in the center of both discs holds them together.

Activate—Align to Plane [two-actions] (manipulate, scrying, visual); Effect You turn the discs to align symbols, creating a minute planar gateway as large as a keyhole. You can look through it to view a location in an elemental plane. Each cipher connects to 12 locations on each elemental plane—typically large settlements. Anyone holding the cipher can understand the primary language of the plane the cipher is aligned to. A cipher of the planes can be used in place of a planar key for interplanar teleport and similar magic for travel to the plane it's aligned to. When it's used this way, you arrive unerringly at the location the cipher is aligned to.