There is a Legacy version
![PFS Standard PFS Standard](Images\Icons\PFS_Standard.png)
Mind Probe
Spell 5Uncommon Concentrate Linguistic Manipulate Mental Source Player Core pg. 343 2.0Traditions arcane,
occultDeities Conqueror Worm,
Ma'atCast 1 minute
Range 30 feet;
Targets 1 creature
Defense Will;
Duration sustained up to 1 minute
You cast your thoughts through a creature's mind, sifting for information. You access the target's memories and knowledge unless it fends you off with a Will save.
Success The target is unaffected.
Failure Each round of the spell's duration, you can Sustain the spell to ask a different question and attempt to uncover the answer. For each question, the target can attempt a
Deception check against your spell DC; if the target succeeds, you don't learn the answer, and on a critical success, the target gives you a false answer that you believe is truthful. Once you've asked the target a given question, asking it again, even with a separate casting of
mind probe, produces the same result.
Critical Failure As failure, and the target takes a –4 circumstance penalty to Deception checks against your questions