General Hazards | Adventure-Specific Hazards | Weather Hazards

Call of the VoidHazard 12

Legacy Content

Unique Complex Environmental Magical 
Source Dark Archive pg. 214
Complexity Complex
Stealth DC 25 (expert) to notice a slight tugging feeling
Description A supernatural compulsion to leap into the unknown exerts itself on anyone who approaches the ledge.
Disable DC 34 Occultism or DC 36 Arcana to expel the magical compulsion from the current island and from any of the red ropes directly attached to it, darkening the rope in color. The Echo also automatically disables the hazard from any island he's standing on, and any of the red ropes directly attached to it, when he Reconstitutes from Thought on that island.
Leap into the Unknown [reaction] (enchantment, mental); Trigger A creature enters a square adjacent to the ledge of an island or steps onto one of the red ropes; Effect The call of the void tugs at the mind of intruders, compelling them to leap off the ledge. The creature must succeed at a DC 34 Will save or DC 32 Acrobatics check to Balance or else drop off the ledge. If the creature falls off, it drops 100 feet, loops through the closed space of the mindscape, and lands in the square it fell from, taking falling damage as normal (usually 50 bludgeoning damage). The call of the void then rolls initiative.
Routine (1 action) The call targets all creatures adjacent to a ledge or on one of the red ropes and tugs at their minds. A creature who has already fallen this round is immune.
Reset The call of the void persists as long as the Echo exists, though it doesn't activate until the Echo has rolled initiative. The hazard resets each day.