Angel of Vindication Feat 4Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 80Archetype AssassinPrerequisites Assassin DedicationAccess Knights of Lastwall have access to this feat.
Requirements Your mark is an
undead creature.
To aid with your mission of destroying undead, you've specialized in techniques to destroy them, much as other assassins learn to kill the living. When you Strike a
flat-footed undead foe with a weapon that has the
backstabber weapon trait, you deal 3 extra precision damage instead of 1. If the weapon is a +3 weapon, you deal 6 extra precision damage instead of 2. If you have the
Angel of Death feat, your attacks also instantly destroy undead at 0 Hit Points, and attempts for the undead to rejuvenate—such as via a
lich's soul cage or a
ghost's rejuvenation ability—fail unless the effect's
counteract level is higher than half your level when you killed the creature (rounded up), or originates from an
artifact or deity. Finally, if you have the
Assassinate feat and an undead mark critically fails its save against your Assassinate, it is destroyed.
Uncommon: Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.