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PFS StandardSavior of AirBackground

Legacy Content

Source Organized Play Foundation
PFS Note You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 8 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Upon securing the Untouchable Opal, an artifact of extraordinary power, the Pathfinder Society endeavored to free the benevolent demigod Ranginori, who was trapped within the virtually unbreakable prison. You might have joined the Pathfinder Society in its expeditions to the Elemental Planes, or you might have lived on one of those planes before learning of the Society from these Pathfinder agents. You are no stranger to navigating precarious terrain as a result.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in the Acrobatics skill, and the Elemental Lords Lore skill or a Lore skill related either to one of the Elemental Planes (such as Plane of Air Lore). You gain the Cat Fall skill feat. Add Auran to the list of additional languages you can learn for having a high Intelligence modifier.