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There is a Legacy version here.

Survival (Wis)

Source Player Core pg. 246 2.0
You are adept at living in the wilderness, foraging for food and building shelter, and with training you discover the secrets of tracking and hiding your trail.
  • Subsist in the wild by foraging for food and building shelter.
Item Bonsues for Common items
SurvivalTriangular Teeth+12TattoosNoSurvival checks to navigate bodies of water
SurvivalCompass (Lensatic)+13Adventuring GearNoChecks to Sense Direction or navigate
SurvivalCoyote Cloak+13Other Worn ItemsNo
SurvivalStaff of Providence+16StavesNoSurvival checks to Sense Direction or Subsist
SurvivalStaff of Providence (Greater)+110StavesNoSurvival checks to Sense Direction or Subsist
SurvivalStaff of Providence (Major)+114StavesNoSurvival checks to Sense Direction or Subsist
SurvivalStaff of Providence (True)+120StavesNoSurvival checks to Sense Direction or Subsist
SurvivalSerene Mutagen (Lesser)+11Alchemical ElixirsYes
SurvivalBloodhound Mask (Lesser)+12Alchemical ToolsYesSurvival checks to track a creature by its scent
SurvivalAromatic Ammunition+12Alchemical AmmunitionYesTrack the affected creature as long as it has the odor
SurvivalTracker's Stew+13Alchemical FoodYesSurvival checks to Cover Tracks and Tracks
SurvivalMagnetite Scope+29ScopesNoSurvival checks to Sense Direction when using the scope to assist you in navigating
SurvivalCoyote Cloak (Greater)+29Other Worn ItemsNo
SurvivalSerene Mutagen (Moderate)+23Alchemical ElixirsYes
SurvivalBloodhound Mask (Moderate)+26Alchemical ToolsYesSurvival checks to track a creature by its scent
SurvivalMagnetite Scope (Greater)+317ScopesNoSurvival checks to Sense Direction when using the scope to assist you in navigating
SurvivalBloodhound Mask (Moderate)+36Alchemical ToolsYesSurvival checks to track a creature by its scent
SurvivalSerene Mutagen (Greater)+311Alchemical ElixirsYes
SurvivalSerene Mutagen (Major)+417Alchemical ElixirsYes
Item Bonsues for Uncommon/Rare/Unique items
SurvivalSurvey Map+13Adventuring GearNoSurvival checks, provided the checks are related to the location detailed on the map
SurvivalSurvey Map (Atlas)+13Adventuring GearNoSurvival checks, provided the checks are related to the location detailed on the map
SurvivalVestige Lenses+13Alchemical OtherNoSurvival checks to Track a creature marked with the incense
SurvivalHoax-Hunter's Kit+13Adventuring GearNoTrack a creature you are studying
SurvivalHongrui's Gratitude+13Other Worn ItemsNoItem activation
SurvivalHunter's Arrowhead+14Other Worn ItemsNoSurvival checks against any creature you've currently designated as your prey for Hunt Prey
SurvivalHunter's Arrowhead+14Other Worn ItemsNo
SurvivalThe Owl+220The Deck of DestinyNoSurvival checks to Subsist in the wild (+3 at 17th level).
SurvivalGrolna+31DrugsYesSurvival checks to follow tracks

Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Survival, click here.

Survival Untrained Actions

Sense Direction

Exploration Secret 
Source Player Core pg. 246 2.0
Using the stars, the position of the sun, traits of the geography or flora, or the behavior of fauna, you can stay oriented in the wild. Typically, you attempt a Survival check only once per day, but some environments or changes might necessitate rolling more often. The GM determines the DC and how long this activity takes (usually just a minute or so). More unusual locales or those you're unfamiliar with might require you to have a minimum proficiency rank to Sense Direction. Without a compass, you take a –2 item penalty to checks to Sense Direction.

Critical Success You get an excellent sense of where you are. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you know them exactly.
Success You gain enough orientation to avoid becoming hopelessly lost. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you have a sense of those directions.

Sample Sense Direction Tasks

Untrained determine a cardinal direction using the sun
Trained find an overgrown path in a forest
Expert navigate a hedge maze
Master navigate a byzantine labyrinth or relatively featureless desert
Legendary navigate an ever-changing dream realm

Survival Trained Actions

Cover Tracks

Concentrate Exploration Move 
Source Player Core pg. 246 2.0
You cover your tracks, moving up to half your travel Speed. You don't need to attempt a Survival check to cover your tracks, but anyone tracking you must succeed at a Survival check against your Survival DC if it is higher than the normal DC to Track.

In some cases, you might Cover Tracks in an encounter. In this case, Cover Tracks is a single action and doesn't have the exploration trait.


Concentrate Exploration Move 
Source Player Core pg. 246 2.0
You follow tracks, moving at up to half your travel Speed. After a successful check to Track, you can continue following the tracks at half your Speed without attempting additional checks for up to 1 hour.

In some cases, you might Track in an encounter. In this case, Track is a single action and doesn't have the exploration trait, but you might need to roll more often because you're in a tense situation. The GM determines how often you must attempt this check.

You attempt your Survival check when you start Tracking, once every hour you continue tracking, and any time something significant changes in the trail. The GM determines the DCs for such checks, depending on the freshness of the trail, the weather, and the type of ground.

Success You find the trail or continue to follow the one you're already following.
Failure You lose the trail but can try again after a 1-hour delay.
Critical Failure You lose the trail and can't try again for 24 hours.

Sample Track Tasks

Untrained the path of a large army following a road
Trained relatively fresh tracks of a rampaging bear through the plains
Expert a nimble panther's tracks through a jungle, tracks obscured by rainfall
Master tracks obscured by winter snow, tracks of a mouse or smaller creature, tracks left on surfaces that can't hold prints like bare rock
Legendary old tracks through a windy desert’s sands, tracks after a major blizzard or hurricane