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PFS StandardElementally InfusedBackground

Source Rage of Elements pg. 45 2.0
You were exposed to a strong burst of elemental essence originating directly from an elemental plane, most likely caused by a planar breach. Your body absorbed the elemental essence with no ill effects, and now it coalesces within you. With time, you've learned to project elemental power in a manner safe to you but still deadly to others.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

Choose one elemental plane: Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, or Wood. You are trained in the corresponding Lore skill: Plane of Air Lore, Plane of Earth Lore, Plane of Fire Lore, Plane of Metal Lore, Plane of Water Lore, or Plane of Wood Lore. You also gain a cantrip according to your chosen plane: air gale blast; Earth: scatter scree; Fire: ignition; Metal: needle darts; Water spout, or wood root reading. You can cast this spell as a primal innate spell at will.