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Spellstrike AmmunitionItem 3+

Legacy Content

Consumable Magical Transmutation 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 560 4.0
Ammunition any; Bulk
Activate [two-actions] Cast a Spell
Mystic patterns create a magic reservoir within this ammunition. You activate spellstrike ammunition by Casting a Spell into the ammunition. The spell must be of a spell level the ammunition can hold, and the spell must be able to target a creature other than the caster. A creature hit by activated spellstrike ammunition is targeted by the spell. If the creature isn’t a valid target for the spell, the spell is lost.

The ammunition affects only the target hit, even if the spell would normally affect more than one target. If the spell requires a spell attack roll, use the result of your ranged attack roll with the ammunition to determine the degree of success of the spell. If the spell requires a saving throw, the target attempts the save against your spell DC.

The maximum level of spell the ammunition can hold determines its item level and Price.

PFS StandardSpellstrike Ammunition (Type I)Item 3

Source Core Rulebook pg. 560 4.0
Price 12 gp
Maximum Spell Level 1st

PFS StandardSpellstrike Ammunition (Type II)Item 5

Source Core Rulebook pg. 560 4.0
Price 30 gp
Maximum Spell Level 2nd

PFS StandardSpellstrike Ammunition (Type III)Item 7

Source Core Rulebook pg. 560 4.0
Price 70 gp
Maximum Spell Level 3rd

PFS StandardSpellstrike Ammunition (Type IV)Item 9

Source Core Rulebook pg. 560 4.0
Price 150 gp
Maximum Spell Level 4th

PFS StandardSpellstrike Ammunition (Type V)Item 11

Source Core Rulebook pg. 560 4.0
Price 300 gp
Maximum Spell Level 5th

PFS StandardSpellstrike Ammunition (Type VI)Item 13

Source Core Rulebook pg. 560 4.0
Price 600 gp
Maximum Spell Level 6th

PFS StandardSpellstrike Ammunition (Type VII)Item 15

Source Core Rulebook pg. 560 4.0
Price 1,300 gp
Maximum Spell Level 7th

PFS StandardSpellstrike Ammunition (Type VIII)Item 17

Source Core Rulebook pg. 560 4.0
Price 3,000 gp
Maximum Spell Level 8th

PFS StandardSpellstrike Ammunition (Type IX)Item 19

Source Core Rulebook pg. 560 4.0
Price 8,000 gp
Maximum Spell Level 9th